
keep highest value of duplicate keys in dicts(保持字典中重复键的最高值)


对于学校,我正在编写一个小程序来为游戏排名列表.我为此使用字典,将播放器的名称作为键名,将分数作为键值.将有 10 场比赛,每场比赛都有一个自动排名系统,我将其打印到文件中.我已经设法编写了排名系统,但现在我面临着一个更大的挑战,我无法解决:

For school i am writing a small program for a rankinglist for a game. I am using dicts for this, with the name of the player as keyname, and the score as keyvalue. there will be 10 games, and each game will have an automatic ranking system which i print to file. ive already managed to code the ranking system, but now im facing a bigger challange which i cannot solve:


I have to make an overall ranking, which means someplayername can be in several contests with several scores, but i need to only keep the highest score of a duplicate.


In short: I need some help with keeping the duplicate key with the highest value:


dict1 = {"a": 6, "b": 4, "c": 2, "g": 1}
dict2 = {"a": 3, "f": 4, "g": 5, "d": 2}
dictcombined = {'a': 6, 'b': 4, 'c': 2, 'g': 5, 'f': 4, 'd': 2}


the normal merge option just takes the second dict and thus that value.




You need to have a function that will keep track of the highest scores for each player. It will add a player to the total if not already there, otherwise adding it if it's higher. Something like this:

def addScores(scores, total):
    for player in scores:
        if player not in total or total[player] < scores[player]:
            total[player] = scores[player]




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